New kiln built at Wytham by expert potter Svend Bayer

The kiln has a rounded shape, with square stoking holes along its sides.
The footprint of the kiln is laid in brick, shaped like a boat. Svend stands at one end, in wellington boots, working on laying bricks.

Master potter and kiln-builder Svend Bayer has been on site at Wytham Woods for the past few months, designing and constructing a new cross-draught wood-fired kiln.

This kiln is inspired by medieval kilns Svend encountered in Thailand, its rounded shape allowing for optimum airflow through the kiln. The square 'windows' along the side of the kiln are for side-stoking, allowing for more precise management of the temperatures inside.

The kiln will be privately fired for the first time at the start of July, with the outcome only revealed when the kiln cools and is unloaded. Among the first pots to be fired will be student work for the UNESCO Associated Schools Network 'One Cup' Ceramics Project

This is the 21st kiln built by Svend Bayer, who has been building kilns throughout his brilliant career as a potter. The Oxford University Kiln Project are grateful to have his expertise, and for the funding from the Registrar's Van Houten Fund, which paid for the specialist bricks and other materials essential for the construction work.

You can follow the construction of the new kiln on the Oxford University Kiln Project's Instagram page.

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