Thirty poets gathered at the Wytham Chalet to try their hand a poetry inspired by a morning spent with Dr Tonya Lander looking for and learning about solitary bees. Here follows a selection of poems submitted by workshop attendees:
after Maya Catherine Popa
Never again will bees their treasured nectar seek
Never again their dancing wings of pleasures speak
Never again will bees collect, pack and carry the pollen
Never again the wild field flowers blossom
Never again will bees the felled trees mourn
Never again their symbiotic art the earth adorn
Never again will the high woods hum
Never again the wild honey run.
Never, never again will field flower or forest leaf
Lest parasitic Man its own maker’s maker meet.
Garry Maguire
On the Beaten Track
after Maya Catherine Popa
Never again the fuzzy bottomed buzzer,
Nor the translucent lattice of wings.
Never again the lick of nectar on the woollen anther,
or the rings of gold and charcoal.
Never again will you see the dried dancer, captured in the spider's snare.
Nor the jade beetle, scuttling along the ivy-coloured blade.
Never again the saccharine perfume of the petals,
or the shock of blue darting from leaf to leaf.
The speckled branch that quivers at the touch of the wind could snap,
its life so brief.
The bombus pratorum flies from flower to hive,
trying with the minute space it has, to keep itself alive.
Shakira Morar
Never Again
after Maya Catherine Popa
Never again the common blues dance together in the haze
Never again the red-tailed bumble buzzes in the glade
Never again the red-flecked burnet flutters in the grass
Never again the wren and white throat sing
Never again the gentle blackbird tends her brood
Never again the swallows swoop and swing
Never again the air clear and blue and new
Never again the beech trees lean together in the wood
Never again this walk with you
Elizabeth Napier
A Buzz in the Woods
Today I ensnared angry bees in
plastic vials
Pinched beetles from their buttercup homes
Mimicked the buzz of flight
with the drum of poetry.
Synchrony in hearts and melodies.
Today I spoke religion,
screenwriting, politics, and biology.
nothing seemed out of place
The marriage of a bee and its pollen
the backdrop for art, science, community, soul.
Selena Zhao
If you are interested in attending a similar event, we are programming a schedule of ecology and poetry workshops throughout the year - these will be announced on our website shortly.