Fungus Foray, with Prof Richard Fortey and Dr Sarah Watkinson
9.30 - Participants meet at Wytham Woods car park with notebooks, and baskets to collect a few specimens if they wish.
10.00 - Introduction by Sarah Watkinson: What is a fungus foray? Followed by a walk round different parts of the Wytham Woods estate, during which Prof Richard Forety will talk about fungi in the variety of habitats encountered, including over grassland, old beech woodland, newer plantations, some patches of particular tree species, fallen dead wood.
12.00 - Examining our finds: Identify and discuss the finds, in the field laboratories at the Wytham Chalet.
13.00 - Lunch at the Wytham Chalet. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be available at the Chalet.
13.30 - Talk by Prof Richard Fortey: Writing as a scientist, and his latest work, followed by a Q&A session.
15.00 - Close